Empress' Den

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The Empress Den will transformed into a subworld at a later date. However, in the Underground Desert, the entrance can be found surrounded by Weaverstone. Currently, interacting with the entrance while in Hardmode summons Araneas.


Empress' Den

Post-Wall of Flesh:

Araneas.png Araneas

From terrain:

Weaverstone.png Weaverstone
Cobweb.png Cobweb


  • Prior to 1.2.003, if a player entered the biome before Hardmode, they were killed instantly with the reason of death being "Player died of Ligma."


  • 1.2.003a: Moved to a subworld and made almost completely unavailable
  • 1.1: Introduced
Surface Layers Flame Razed Forest • Scorched Sands • Snow Biome • Space • Surface • The Corruption • The Crimson • The Hallow
Underground Layers Cavern • Dungeon • Empress' Den • Fiery Caves • Desert • Underworld