Mod compatibility

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Shadows of Abaddon adds some features to aid developers looking to make their mods more compatible with this mod or who wish to make addons to this mod.

Localization Keys

Localization keys are special strings of text that can be out into an item's tooltip to replace it with formatted text in the current language. Shadows of Abaddon provides several of these for both internal use and for other mods to use. All keys are prefixed with Mods.SacredTools.CommonItemTooltip..

To use these keys, refer to tModLoader's Localization guide.

Key English Text
PercentIncreasedKineticDamage "{0}% increased kinetic damage"
PercentIncreasedKineticCritChance "{0}% increased kinetic critical strike chance"
PercentIncreasedKineticDamageCritChance "{0}% increased kinetic damage and critical strike chance"
PercentIncreasedKineticSpeed "{0}% increased kinetic velocity"
PercentChanceToSaveThrownItems "{0}% chance to save thrown items"
IncreasesKnifeStashBy "Increases knife stash by {0}"
IncreasesKnifeStashByPercent "Increases knife stash by {0}%"
PercentIncreasedKnifeRecoveryRate "{0}% increased knife stash recovery rate"
PercentIncreasedKnifeVelocity "{0}% increased knife velocity"
PercentIncreasedLancePerfectStrikeDamage "{0}% increased lance perfect strike damage"
IncreasesLancePerfectStrikeWindowByPercent "Increases lance perfect strike window by {0}%"
PercentIncreasedLanceRecoveryMoveDamage "{0}% increased lance recovery move damage"
PercentIncreasedLanceRecallSpeed "{0}% increased lance recall speed"
PercentIncreasedLanceRecallVelocity "{0}% increased lance recall velocity"
PercentIncreasedLanceReadySpeed "{0}% increased lance ready speed"
PercentIncreasedSuppression "{0}% increased suppression"
PercentIncreasedBossDamage "{0}% increased boss damage"
PercentIncreasedCritDamage "{0}% increased critical strike damage"
PercentIncreasedPolarization "{0}% increased polarization"
MinorLifeRegen "Slightly increases life regeneration"
MinorManaRegen "Slightly increases mana regeneration"
MediumLifeRegen "Increases life regeneration"
MediumManaRegen "Increases mana regeneration"
MajorLifeRegen "Significantly increases life regeneration"
MajorManaRegen "Significantly increases mana regeneration"
PercentIncreasedManaCost "{0}% increased mana cost"
DecreasedMaxLifeByPercent "Decreases maximum life by {0}%"
DecreasedMaxManaByPercent "Decreases maximum mana by {0}%"
PercentDecreasedMovementSpeed "{0}% decreased movement speed"


  • 1.2.003a: Added several localization keys.