Biome Chest

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Biome Chest
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Weaver Chest.png Locked Weaver Chest.png
Type Furniture – Storage
Placeable Tango Tick1.png
Dimensions 2 wide ˣ 2 high
Use time 14 (Very Fast)
Rarity Rarity Level: 4
Sell 5 Gold Coin

Shadows of Abaddon currently adds only 1 biome chest which is found inside the Empress' Den unlike vanilla chests which spawn in the Dungeon. This chest contains Needle and requires a Weaver Key to open, which is a rare drop from enemies within the Empress' Den.


Chest Contains
Weaver Chest.pngWeaver Chest Needle.pngNeedle

The chest also contains items differing from the normal contents of a Biome Chest:

Item Amount
Greater Healing Potion.pngGreater Healing Potion 16
Greater Mana Potion.pngGreater Mana Potion 16

Thermal Rack.png Blocks • Ember Brick Wall.png Walls