Infusion Crystal

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Infusion Crystal
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Infusion Crystal inventory icon
Type Miscellaneous
Rarity Rarity Level: Lunatic
File:Mysterious Gem use.gif
The Infusion Crystal being obtained from the Mysterious Gem.

The Infusion Crystal is a Currency item which is obtained from a Mysterious Gem after The Lost Siblings have been defeated.

It is used to buy the Tiridium Infuser from Nuba.


  • As it cannot be re-obtained, it is advised to store it in a chest to avoid it from being lost.


Consumables: Mega Healing Potion.png Potions ( Wind Resistance Potion.png Buff Potions) • Flarium Bullet.png Ammunition • Fiery Extract.png Materials ( Asthraltite Shards.png Drops • Oblivion Shard.png Ores • Oblivion Bar.png Bars) • Asthraltite Plating.png Other