Bendy Cutout

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Bendy Cutout
Bendy Cutout inventory icon
Type Furniture
Placeable Tango Tick1.png
Dimensions 3 wide ˣ 5 high
Tool Pickaxe
Tooltip 'Hey, I am alive, Immortalized'
Rarity Rarity Level: 1
Buy / Sell 2 Gold Coin / 40 Silver Coin

Bendy Cutout is a type of furniture purchased from the Decorationist for 2 Gold Coin. It has no actual use and is purely aesthetic.


  • This item is a direct reference to the recurring object of the same name from the Bendy and the Ink Machine videogame.
    • The tooltip of the item is a reference to the fan-made song Build Our Machine by Will 'DAGames' Ryan.


  • 1.1: Introduced.
Furniture: Flarium Anvil.png Crafting Stations • Flarium Lamp.png Light Sources • Asthraltite Chest.png Storage Items • Potted Bulb.png Other Items