Quasar Monolith

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Quasar Monolith
Quasar Monolith inventory icon
Type Furniture
Placeable Tango Tick1.png
Dimensions 2 wide ˣ 2 high
Use time 14 (Very Fast)
Rarity Rarity Level: Lunatic

The Quasar Monolith is a purchasable mechanism bought from Nuba for 25 Lunidium Coin that changes the background to the background displayed whilst Novaniel is present. Like any other Monolith, it can be activated via right-click, or via wire.

The Quasar Monolith does not stack its effect with other monoliths. Only if it is placed in the spot furthest to the bottom right will affect a given area.


  • Due to there being no such thing as a Quasar Pillar, this monolith can only be obtained after The Lost Siblings have been defeated due to the fact that Novaniel's presence is the first time the background is displayed.


  • 1.0: Introduced.
Quasar Fragment.png Quasar

Quasar Pickaxe.png Pickaxe • Quasar Hamaxe.png Hamaxe
Interdiction.png Interdiction • Quantum Breaker.png Quantum Breaker
Quasar armor.png Armor • Quasar Wings.png Wings • Quasar Sigil.png Sigil • Quasar Monolith.png Monolith

Furniture: Flarium Anvil.png Crafting Stations • Flarium Lamp.png Light Sources • Asthraltite Chest.png Storage Items • Potted Bulb.png Other Items