Hellstone Altar

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Hellstone Altar
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Hellstone Altar inventory icon
Type FurnitureCrafting station
Placeable Tango Tick1.png
Dimensions 16 wide ˣ 16 high
Use time 10 (Very Fast)
Tooltip Functions as a Demon Altar
Rarity Rarity Level: 3
Sell 2 Gold Coin

The Hellstone Altar is a crafting station which is capable of being used as an Altar for crafting. Unlike true altars, it can be broken and picked up.



Crafting Station
Lead Anvil.pngLead Anvil /
Iron Anvil.pngIron Anvil
Ingredient(s) Amount
Hellstone Bar.png Hellstone Bar 10
Demonite Bar.png Demonite Bar 5
Shadow Scale.png Shadow Scale 5
Hellstone Altar.png Hellstone Altar 1
Crafting Station
Lead Anvil.pngLead Anvil /
Iron Anvil.pngIron Anvil
Ingredient(s) Amount
Hellstone Bar.png Hellstone Bar 10
Crimtane Bar.png Crimtane Bar 5
Tissue Sample.png Tissue Sample 5
Hellstone Altar.png Hellstone Altar 1


  • The Hellstone Altar cannot be smashed with a hammer to generate Hardmode ores.


  • 1.0.1: Reworked and renamed from Oblivion Altar to Hellstone Altar.
Furniture: Flarium Anvil.png Crafting Stations • Flarium Lamp.png Light Sources • Asthraltite Chest.png Storage Items • Potted Bulb.png Other Items